"Trust NTA for YOUR Professional Instruction and Accreditation!"
"Trust NTA for YOUR Professional Instruction and Accreditation!"

About The NTA

The NTA is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1980 to promote Country Western dancing, establish communication among dance teachers, develop standardized terminology and school figures, and develop and maintain high standards for teachers to more effectively instruct others in the art and practice of Country Western dancing.

The NTA is governed by Operating Procedures, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation, and consists of an Executive Committee, Zone Directors, and a Dance Committee. The members of the governing board are elected by the general membership for 2 and 3 year staggered terms. The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Executive Vice-President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Within each Zone, State Directors are appointed to conduct business functions of the NTA at a local level. Voting is done by mail. Membership participation is voluntary and is the backbone of the organization.

The entire membership is encouraged to attend the annual meeting (NTA Convention.) Local and regional meetings are held periodically by State, Country, Province, or Zone Directors. They will keep you informed of any meetings, workshops, etc. These meetings are often held in conjunction with other dance events.

The members receive a quarterly newsletter, an annual membership directory by request, and all USA members can get discounts on ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC music licenses (other countries have their own music license companies). Submissions are welcome and must be received approximately 2 months in advance of the date of publication. The Newsletter is available online to members. If your address changes or you know it is going to change in the near future, notify the NTA Business Office.

Membership Cards are issued at the time of joining and after each renewal. There are NO joint memberships. Each membership is for 1 person. A membership runs from month/year of processing for the number of years applied for, to the same month. The Expiration Date (month/year) is indicated on the Membership Card and on the Newsletter address label. Please use your membership number on all correspondence with the NTA Business Office. Changes to Membership Cards will be made only at the time of renewal. Memberships are given to individuals over 21 years of age. Junior memberships available for those 10 years of age and over.

ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC music licensing is available to all NTA members in the USA. New members may purchase licenses for the reduced group rates within 30 days of receipt of the license application forms. Licenses are for 1 year– from January 1 through December 31 of the same year. NTA membership must be paid up (at the time of purchase) for the entire period the license being purchased covers. Every member must renew annually by the end of January for BMI and the end of April for ASCAP and SESAC. There may be an annual rate increase determined by ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. It is recommended that anyone who is actively teaching and using published music in their classes be licensed to avoid the risk of financial penalties from ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC. Canada has SOCAN. Europe also has music license companies.

ASCAP license fees are based on the number of CLASSES instructed per YEAR as follows:
$54.00 = 1 through 51 classes per year
$96.50 = 52 or more classes per year
 BMI license fees are based upon the number of STUDENTS instructed per WEEK as follows:
$147.00 = less than 60 students per week
$295.00 = 60 to 124 students per week
$440.00 = 125 to 249 students per week
$589.00 = 250 to 374 students per week
$780.00 = 375 or more students per week
 SESAC has an annual fee of $71.61
A $5 handling fee for each form is added. (or $15 for all three licenses)

There are many benefits in joining a worldwide organization which has a diversity of members, ideas, and cumulative dance experiences. The NTA is a professional organization with members from all over the world which is able to serve dance teachers and dancers alike.