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Testing Tips

NTA Accreditation Teacher Training Program Testing Tips

It is best to take a couple workshops before testing to insure you have a good grasp of the knowledge being tested.

NTA suggests starting by testing the first two levels–Dance Fundamental I and Dance Fundamental II. Then it is preferable to wait about one month before testing Dance Fundamental III. After you have passed Dance Fundamental III your examiner can help you decide when you are ready for the next test.

There is a definite time period between taking the School Figure exams. This is to help you digest and retain the material taught in the workshops. It gives you time to acquire the knowledge the NTA Accreditation Teacher Training Program has designed in order to make better dancers and teachers.

It is not necessary to be an NTA member to take a workshop but if you wish to test, you must be an active NTA member.

Accreditation Certificates are presented to any NTA member passing the different levels. This certificate is good for a three (3) year period. If three (3) years passes before another exam is taken, you may retake the last exam passed in order to keep up to date and/or be able to take the next exam.

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